Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What's For Lunch Wednesday #1

     I make a lot of bento lunches for the Husbeastie and Kidlets.  Around the internet I'd been noticing a trend of "What's For Lunch Wednesday", which is a link-up party hosted by

Bento Lunch
     Here are my bento submissions for "What's for Lunch Wednesday":

Plain bentos this week.  (I don't own any mini-cutters and didn't feel like hand-carving the usual decorations.)

Chaos's bento: Peanut Butter and turkey shimmer, fresh pineapple, cheese, and a blueberry cereal bar.  The box is a take-out box that I rescued after the last dinner delivery.  These are the perfect size for bentos and are my go-to boxes.

Doc's bento: fresh pineapple, a peanut butter shimmer, and a blueberry cereal bar.  This box is really a deep divided plate that has a lid.  It's the perfect size for toddler bentos since most of his food has to be either soft or bite sized.  If it doesn't fit in this box with the lid on, I know that I generally need to make it smaller so he doesn't choke.

Husbeasties bento: A turkey cheese sandwich with curry mayo on left over Italian bread, crackers and a Laughing Cow cheese wedge, fresh pineapple, and a low-cal Chocolate pudding.

      Can you tell which of us skipped lunch yesterday?  I tried eating a piece of toast when I had time, but someone borrowed it from my plate and ate it while I was prepping his Dad's lunch.  It's ok, I ended up getting called out of the house for a meeting yesterday afternoon- at Tim Horton's.  Yeah.  I had mac and cheese and a mocha and I was a happy girl.  Even better, I got out of the house and got to chat with grown-ups for an hour. 

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